Public Holiday Reminder - Withdrawal Requests will take longer than usual in Malaysia
Incident Report for Luno
Withdrawals are now being processed as scheduled. Thank you
Posted Jun 03, 2024 - 23:30 UTC
The 3rd of June 2024 is a public holiday in Malaysia, during which banks do not process payments. This means any withdrawals from Luno that we send to the banks won’t be processed by them until the 4th of June 2024

Please note that this only applies to MYR withdrawals. Crypto withdrawals are being processed as normal according to our service level agreements.

Please view our full withdrawal schedule via the link below:


Notis Cuti Umum - Permintaan Pengeluaran akan mengambil tempoh yang lebih lama daripada biasa di Malaysia.

3hb Jun 2024 ialah cuti umum di Malaysia. Justeru itu, bank-bank tidak akan memproses apa-apa pembayaran pada tarikh ini. Sebarang pengeluaran daripada Luno yang dihantar ke pihak bank tidak akan diproses sehingga 4hb Jun 2024
Posted May 31, 2024 - 09:52 UTC